As I have stated earlier the alternate title for this book can be ‘It is NOT stated in the Quran’. As I have stated already there is NOT one thing which the Ahlul Sunnah or Shiah practice that can be traced inside the Quran – NOT ONE. We have already seen that even the famous cry of ‘Allahu Akbar’ CANNOT be found in the Quran. The Sunnis cry ‘Allahu Akbar’ which according to them means ‘God is Great’. This is actually a trick and an insult by the enemies of Islam because “Allahu Akbar” actually means ‘God is Old’. The Sunnis say ‘Akbar’ is one of the names of God but the fact is this name ‘Akbar’ CANNOT be found inside the Quran as God’s name. It is NOT stated in the Quran.
What is more interesting is that the Sunnis have invented their famous list of ninety nine ‘Beautiful Names of God’ which they call the ‘Asmaul Husna’. Yet even inside this invented Asmaul Husna there is no occurrence of the name ‘Akbar’. The Sunnis forgot to include ‘Akbar’ inside their Asmaul Husna ! What a lark.
Here is one more item that can be added to the list of ‘It is NOT stated in the Quran’. This is the Treaty of Hudhaybiyah. Not only is it not stated but the so called Treaty Of Hudhaybiyah which the Sunnis have conjured up contradicts the Quran totally. Here is simple proof.
The so called Treaty of Hudaybiyah that plays such a large part in Sunni theology is a fake. It is also another false hadeeth that slanders the good name of the Prophet. This Treaty never took place between the Prophet of Islam and anyone else. It is entirely a fake story.
Here are my reasons why. The Treaty of Hudhaybiyah is a concoction which talks about some agreement between the Prophet and the disbelievers (some so called Quraysh). Firstly let me reproduce for you the Treaty of Hudaybiyah which I have taken from an Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jamaah website.
In drawing up the treaty, the Messenger of Allah summoned ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib and told him to write, "In the name of Allah, ar-Rahman ar-Raheem." Suhayl said, "Hold it! I do not recognise ar-Rahman ar-Raheem, but write ‘In your name, O my Lord’." The Messenger of Allah told ‘Ali to write the latter and he did so. Then he said, "Write ‘This is what Muhammad the Messenger of Allah has agreed with Suhayl ibn ‘Amr’." Suhayl said, "Hold it! If I witnessed that you were Allah’s Messenger I would not have fought you. Write your own name and the name of you father." The Messenger of Allah said, "Write ‘This is what Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah has agreed with Suhayl ibn ‘Amr’." After these opening lines the treaty between the two sides was written comprising the following clauses:
1. To lay aside from war and refrain from hostilities during the period of the truce.
2. If anyone from Quraysh embraced Islam and came to Muhammad without the permission of his guardian, he would return him to them, and if anyone from those with Muhammad came to Quraysh they need not return him to Muhammad.
3. Whosoever wished from amongst the Arabs to enter into an alliance with Muhammad could do so, and he who wished to enter into an alliance with Quraysh could do so.
4. The Muslims and Muhammad’s companions had to retire from Makkah that year to return the following year when they would be free to enter Makkah and stay there three nights. They would be allowed to carry swords in their sheaths and nothing more.
5. The treaty was for a limited period of time, ten years from the date of its conclusion.
Let us focus on point number 2 of this treaty :
2. “If anyone from Quraysh embraced Islam and came to Muhammad without the permission of his guardian, he would return him to them, and if anyone from those with Muhammad came to Quraysh they need not return him to Muhammad.”
This point exposes the fraud and the falsehood of this so called Treaty of Hudyabiyah. This point alone is sufficient to demonstrate that this treaty never happened in history. It is all fake. What this fake treaty says is that if anyone from the disbelievers embraced Islam (and thus became believers) without the permission of his guardian and crossed over to Islam then the Prophet was obliged to send them back to the disbelievers.
But in the Quran, Allah and the Rasul say the exact opposite. Here are the relevant verses:
Surah 60 : 10. O ye who believe! When there come to you believing women refugees, examine them: Allah knows best as to their Faith: if ye ascertain that they are Believers, then send them not back to the Unbelievers. They are not lawful for the Unbelievers, nor are the (Unbelievers) lawful for them. But pay the Unbelievers what they have spent, and there will be no blame on you if ye marry them on payment of their dower to them. But hold not to the guardianship of unbelieving women: ask for what ye have spent on their dowers, and let the (Unbelievers) ask for what they have spent. Such is the command of Allah. He judges between you. And Allah is Full of Knowledge and Wisdom.
Pay close attention to these words “Such is the command of Allah” - thalikum hukmu Allahi .
These are God’s commands. Certainly women who are refugees have most definitely run away from someone (meaning without the permission of their guardians or their folk). If any such women run away from the disbelievers and come over to the side of Islam, then the command of God (hukmu Allaah) is that they shall not be returned to the disbelievers.
But the fake Treaty of Hudaybiyah says : . If anyone from Quraysh embraced Islam and came to Muhammad without the permission of his guardian, he would return him to them, and if anyone from those with Muhammad came to Quraysh they need not return him to Muhammad.
The fake story of this Treaty of Hudaybiyah makes a fool and a heretic of the good Prophet. This fake hadeeth has the Prophet entering into a treaty that is exactly opposite of what Allah COMMANDED (HUKUM) in the Quran.
Here is another verse :
Surah 9:6. If one amongst the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah and then escort him to a place of safety. That is because they are men without knowledge.
According to the Quran even if a pagan asks the Prophet for asylum, the Prophet must grant him asylum. After that the pagan must be escorted to a place of safety. The Arabic is very clear : ‘tsumma ablighu ma manahu’ which means ‘then convey him to a place of safety’. But according to the fake Treaty of Hudhaybiyah not just pagans but even the Muslims must be returned back to the disbelievers - where they will probably suffer worse punishment.
The following verses in the Quran were also taught to us by the Prophet of Islam:
Surah 61.2 “O you who believe! why do you say that which you do not do?
We must not say one thing and then end up doing something else – especially things that are exactly opposite of what we say. The Prophet of Islam cannot be saying one thing from the Quran about granting asylum and safety to believers and pagans and then put into practice the exact opposite of what he has been preaching by sending them back to the disbelievers.
Surah 61:3 “It is most hateful to God that you should say that which you do not do”.
If the Prophet engaged in double talk it would be very hateful to God. Hence we can see that this so called Treaty of Hudhaybiyah is a simple fake. To those readers who are Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jamaah, please forward this point to your ulema. Ask them to explain. See them squirm. Why would they squirm ? Because ‘It is NOT stated in the Quran’.