These web pages are mainly for people who can read the Arabic script and are familiar with the Quran. You will also need a modern browser like IE 5.0 (or above) to get going, or a browser that supports the UTF-8 character set
A few years ago I started categorising the words in the quran by their roots. This helped me look them up quickly in dictionaries and also to trace their meaning and usage in the Quran.
I have not found all the roots, there about 500 or more that I need to identify. There are probably some mistakes. The Quran is big book I have looked over a 1000 roots so far.
If you find mistakes and or have suggestions please e-mail me
There are over 2000 pages (100Mb) on this site, please don't use leach software to download all the pages at once. This also a problem for me because I only have 100Mb on this server to play with, if have no more room to add files. Ideally I would like 500Mb, I could distribute the files on multiple servers but thats too time consuming at the moment.
I plan to release this web site in Zip file for download once I have completed all the root and have checked every thing for mistakes.
I also plan to sub-categorise the words under each root, so you can hunt down specific forms of words. Then maybe link them to a dictionary etc.
You can start by browsing through