The Punch! (Twelve Life-Shattering conclusions)
By Muhammad Sadiq (e-mail:
The Beginnings of my doubt
I always was of the habit of studying the Quran everyday. I would at the least read one ayat before going to bed. I was in possession of Four different translations, by Mohammad Marmaduke Pickthall, Yusuf Ali, Hilali and N.J. Dawood. My preparatory examinations were nearing and I had to prepare hard on the days of examination. Nevertheless I used to go to the mosque for all the five daily prayers, once near the college and four times near my home.
Our mosque has the discipline to read a book after the Isha prayer. The book dealt with Islam. It quoted a large number of Hadith over a quite a good range of subjects. Due to the examination pressure, I couldn’t study the Quran for a few days. I just used to listen to the book being read for five minutes every day after the Isha prayer. In that I encountered a large number of hadith that somehow created the feeling that attaining Heaven isn’t that difficult. For example, if one uses ‘miswak’ to brush the teeth before beginning wudu, his salat will be rewarded seventy fold, etc.
Now, my regular study of the Quran had made me used to the strict and hard slaps that the book of God always managed to give me regarding some aspect or another. It somehow always made me fear God and really make me feel that heaven isn’t that easy to attain, rather it is very difficult. So when I came across this easiness in the Hadith, I felt somewhat awkward. I thought, “what is the matter, why so much of difference in their spirit? The Quran is so very powerful and full of fire whereas the Hadith are just like pygmies compared to the power of the Quran. Why this difference when the Hadith come to us from The Holy Prophet under the guidance of God Almighty?”
I had to let this doubt remain for I fell sick for a few days and I couldn’t appear the exams. I kept listening to the Hadith narrations, but I deliberately wouldn’t read the Quran. I saw clearly that the words of the Quran would keep ringing in my ears. I had read that one had to be very righteous, keep seeking Allah’s forgiveness, perform all the obligatory duties and also as many supererogatory offerings, to fear God and God Alone and much much more to be somehow considered by Allah for paradise, but here I see that if you want to reach paradise just do this, or do that. I am not saying that that was the only condition, if you relate many hadith you may get some point, but the very spirit in the narration was very very different from the Quran. I just thought, what could be the cause of this difference. When I recovered my health, I asked Allah in my Tahajjud prayer (I regularly pray the Tahajjud) to let me know the truth.
The Research Begins
I am a scholar type of person, hence I had already studied many things about Islam. Hence by Allah’s Grace, I was familiar with most of the technical terms used in this field. So, I went to a cybercafe to begin my research and read all the articles available on the origin, structure and science of Hadith and came across sites that advocate the Quran Alone. I sent one of them a feedback that their effort was appreciable, but I wasn’t convinced of their viewpoint. How could I just rid of the massive treasure of Hadith and the Sunna that guided my daily life? It was then that I took a resolve to study the Hadith and the Quran and see their interrelationship. “I will not impose my desire or habit on my research, I will keep it 100% objective and whatever truth may come up, I will observe it”, I told myself. I prayed to Allah to guide me to the right path.
After an enormous amount of research and burning the midnight oil for the sake of the Truth, I have come up with this article that summarizes my observations and the truth as it appears to me. I don’t claim that whatever I have inferred from my research is the truth; they just so appear to me. Only God knows the truth. It is he who guides us.
The purpose with which I have put this article on the net is not to go anti-Hadith or anything like that. With my sincere research I have come to these conclusions. If you can show me a better and a different way to look at this then please contact me (
Important points for the reader:
- In case you may think that I am putting my own translation of the Quranic verses and bending them to suit my own needs, All translation in this article is from Marmaduke Pickthall, one of the most widely accepted translators. I could have included Yusuf Ali as well, but that would make the text very confusing.
- You may also think that I am pulling the verses out of context, hence I have chosen only those verses that have a general implication and also have stated the context wherever applicable.
- I have quoted the entire verse in each case so that you may not think that I am pulling certain words out of the verse to prove my point.
- I have not given any interpretation of what the verses say, but have only explained them. My explanations can be easily verified by a glance at the translation since I have avoided interpretation of any sort to encourage objectivity in this research work.
- The current work is an attempt at constructive criticism rather than prejudiced opinion. This work is not meant to hurt the religious feelings of the reader, but simply rather to state my observations.
A Discovery Of The Quran
Since you are reading this article, you are either a Sunni, or Shia, or belong to some ‘sect’ of Islam. Nevertheless you accept the following truth:
“The Quran is the Book of God.”
By accepting this you mean:
1. That God exists.
2. He sends guidance to mankind and that
3. The Quran is the irrefutable and unquestionable word of God Almighty, beyond or above which there exists no treatise in Islam.
If you agree with this then proceed with the article, if not then you may close this article and I apologize for having wasted your time.
I have a thousand and one ideas regarding everything from disease to divinity. But what have my ideas got to do with the truth or with you? My ideas can be wrong and can lead anyone astray, because I know that there is a ‘shaitan’ that inspires evil in me as the rule set by God. Hence I decided not to follow my whims and ideas, but rather the Word of God, the Quran, which is free from any mischief and has been protected by Allah himself. It is the only book that we can assume infallibly correct. So… Lets us start with this verse of Chapter 11.
11:1-2. “Alif. Lam. Ra. (This is) a Scripture the revelations whereof are perfected and then expounded. (It cometh ) from One Wise, Informed, (Saying) : Serve none but Allah. Lo! I am unto you from Him a warner and a bringer of good tidings.”
This verse clearly says that the verses in the Quran are perfect in every way and only then are they conveyed to us. It comes from Allah, who is obviously the Wisest and the most informed about everything.
Therefore it clearly follows that we cannot neglect or cast away any statement of the Quran because it is a perfected word coming from the wisest.
With these initial assumptions: that the Quran is perfect and it contains what is best for us, we proceed further…
Allah says that the Quran Is Clear
#57:17 - Allah claims that he has made the Quranic revelations clear so that we may understand.
“Know that Allah quickeneth the earth after its death. We have made clear Our revelations for you, that haply ye may understand.”
Verse 57:12 addresses the Holy Prophet Muhammad and continues thereon. Hence the ‘you’ in the above verse is Prophet Muhammad and the ‘revelations’ is the Quran.
#14:52 - The Quran is very clear in what it wants to convey.
“This is a clear message for mankind in order that they may be warned thereby, and that they may know that He is only One God, and that men of understanding may take heed.”
Not needed.
#10:15 - The Quran is clear in its message.
“And when Our clear revelations are recited unto them they who look not for the meeting with Us say: Bring a Lecture other than this, or change it. Say (O Muhammad): It is not for me to change it of my own accord. I only follow that which is inspired in me. Lo! If I disobey my Lord I fear the retribution of an awful Day.”
Not needed.
(1)…These verses show that the Quran is clear and isn’t unclear that we may need someone to explain us everything in it.
The Verses of The Quran are Plain and Explained
#41:3 - Quran claims that its verses are explained.
“A scripture whereof the verses are expounded, a Lecture in Arabic for people who have knowledge.”
#22:16 - Quran is a plain and simple revelation, guidance depends only on Allah.
“Thus We reveal it as plain revelations, and verily Allah guideth whom He will.”
The Context:
41:3, the mention of Arabic says that it refers to the Quran.
22:16, this verse in connected with the verses where Allah advises the disbelievers to hang themselves if they cant see the Holy Prophet victorious, hence alludes to the Quran.
* The word ‘expound’ means ‘to explain’.
(2)…The above two verses clearly say that the Quran is plain and explained.
Quran Is Detailed
#12:111 - The Quran is a Detailed Explanation
“In their history verily there is a lesson for men of understanding. It is no invented story but a confirmation of the existing (Scripture) and a detailed explanation of everything, and a guidance and a mercy for folk who believe.”
#16:89 - The Quran has explanation of all things
“And (bethink you of) the day when We raise in every nation a witness against them of their own folk, and We bring thee (Muhammad) as a witness against these. And We reveal the Scripture unto thee as an exposition of all things, and a guidance and a mercy and good tidings for those who have surrendered (to Allah).”
#7:32-33 - Allah says that he has Detailed his revelations.
“Say: Who hath forbidden the adornment of Allah which He hath brought forth for His bondmen, and the good things of His providing? Say: Such, on the Day of Resurrection, will be only for those who believed during the life of the world. Thus do We detail Our revelations for people who have knowledge.”
The Context:
#12:111, The verse 12:102 refers to our Beloved Prophet, and the verses flow thereon, hence, the ‘it’ in 12:111 refers to the Quran.
#7:32-33, The verses here are addressed to the ‘Children of Adam’, it immediately follows the verses which show how Adam was expelled from paradise. The admonitions that precede and follow these verses are to Children of Adam, and hence every human. When Allah says ‘Say…’, it is a clear commandment to every human. And this commandment is now coming from the Quran, hence, ‘Our revelations’, refer to all revelations of God in general and the Quran in particular due to context.
The word ‘exposition’ in 16:89 means ‘an explanation or interpretation of the meaning of an author or a work, a commentary’.
These three verses say a lot, but other conclusions will be distorting the verses, so lets stick to the very superficial implications of these verses, i.e.,
(3)…These three verses make clear the fact that the Quran not only explains everything but has DETAILED explanations of EVERYTHING.
Nothing is Neglected in the Quran
#6:38 - Nothing is Neglected in the Quran!
“There is not an animal in the earth, nor a flying creature flying on two wings, but they are peoples like unto you. We have neglected nothing in the Book (of Our decrees). Then unto their Lord they will be gathered.”
The Context:
The verse 6:33 occurring before this verse addresses to the Holy Prophet Muhammad, and then continues to address him. The verse 6:38 isn’t just addressed to the Prophet, but it is a general proclamation.
(4)… We may safely conclude from the above verse that The Quran actually covers everything that we need to know.
Combining the above conclusions here we get:
- The Quran is clear and isn’t unclear that we may need someone to explain us everything in it.
- The Quran is plain and explained.
- The Quran not only explains everything but has DETAILED explanations of EVERYTHING.
- The Quran actually covers everything that we need to know.
When the very word of God claims to be the source of everything, why do we need to resort to Hadith, Imams, Sects and things of the sort? Why do we need things other than the Quran to guide our lives?
Here if we say, “the Quran does contain everything, but not as far as our daily lives are concerned. It is not so very detailed.” By saying this we are refuting our former assumption that the Quran is perfect and also we are challenging all the above verses, where God claims that he indeed has Detailed everything!
Again, if we say, “The Quran is detailed, but we need to be able to understand what all it details, for this we need extra-Quranic material.” By saying this we are refuting the very first and second conclusions that the Quran is clear, plain and explained.
What to do then? Can we follow the Quran alone? Take a look at these verses:
Allah Says Quran is enough
#29:51 - The Quran alone is enough
“Is it not enough for them that We have sent down unto thee the Scripture which is read unto them? Lo! herein verily is mercy, and a reminder for folk who believe..”
#45:6 - Allah asks us to believe ONLY in HIM and His Message, the Quran, which is a portent of Allah.
“These are the portents of Allah which We recite unto thee (Muhammad) with truth. Then in what fact, after Allah and His portents, will they believe?”
The context:
#29:51, Verse 29:48 before this verse addresses Prophet Muhammad, hence, ‘the Scripture’ obviously refers to the Quran. The ‘them’ refers to the unbelievers who don’t believe in the Prophethood of Muhammad. They wanted a ‘portent’ (means an indication or marvel) from God. Then Allah asks whether the Quran is not enough! He clearly indicates that the Quran is a portent, or indication or marvel from God. This portent is again used in #45:6.
Notice how Allah states, ‘in what fact…’, clearly ruling out any chance of any other object of belief.
(5)… The above verses clearly show that God wants us to believe in Him and His Guidance (His portent), The Quran.
Our obvious reaction will be, “How can I renounce everything that I have been brought up with, all that I have been taught?” In answer to this question, Allah gives us an example from history:
Tradition is nothing before the Quran
#2:170 - Instead of following the fathers, or the tradition, we should follow what Allah has revealed, The Quran.
“And when it is said unto them: Follow that which Allah hath revealed, they say: We follow that wherein we found our fathers. What! Even though their fathers were wholly unintelligent and had no guidance?”
#39:23 - The Quran is the 'fairest of statements', then how can you claim it is incomplete and needs something else?
“Allah hath (now) revealed the fairest of statements, a Scripture consistent, (wherein promises of reward are) paired (with threats of punishment), whereat doth creep the flesh of those who fear their Lord, so that their flesh and their hearts soften to Allah's reminder. Such is Allah's guidance, where with He guideth whom He will. And him whom Allah sendeth astray, for him there is no guide.”
The Context:
#2:170, This verse is addressed to the unbelievers.
#39:23, The verse 39:19 addresses the Holy Prophet Muhammad, and the verses continue unbroken in theme, hence, ‘a Scripture consistent’ refers to the Quran.
Here the unbelievers are not ready to accept what is revealed (The Quran) because it goes against their previous practices. How different are we from them, when we too shrink from following and accepting what God has revealed (The Quran) just because it challenges all that we have? Should we doubt the Quran’s ability when God himself tells us that the Quran is the ‘fairest of Statements’?
(6)… The Quran is the ‘fairest of statements’.
Combining all the above six conclusions, we are left with no choice but to seek the Quran alone. But we may ask, “Does the Quran ask us to guide our lives and society by following it alone?” In answer, take a look at the following verses:
Judgement should be taken from the Quran
#5:44 - Any judgement taken without the aid of the Quran is severely wrong.
Lo! We did reveal the Torah, wherein is guidance and a light, by which the Prophets who surrendered (unto Allah) judged the Jews, and the rabbis and the priests (judged) by such of Allah's Scripture as they were bidden to observe, and thereunto were they witnesses. So fear not mankind, but fear Me. And barter not My revelations for a little gain. Whoso judgeth not by that which Allah hath revealed: such are disbelievers.
#5:47-49 - Following or deciding on the basis of anything other then the Quran is not allowed.
5:47. “Let the People of the Gospel judge by that which Allah hath revealed therein. Whoso judgeth not by that which Allah hath revealed; such are evil livers.”
5:48. “And unto thee have We revealed the Scripture with the truth, confirming whatever Scripture was before it, and a watcher over it. So judge between them by that which Allah hath revealed, and follow not their desires away from the truth which hath come unto thee. For each We have appointed a divine law and a traced out way. Had Allah willed He could have made you one community. But that He may try you by that which He hath given you (He hath made you as ye are). So vie one with another in good works. Unto Allah ye will all return, and He will then inform you of that wherein ye differ.”
5:49. “So judge between them by that which Allah hath revealed, and follow not their desires, but beware of them lest they seduce thee from some part of that which Allah hath revealed unto thee. And if they turn away, then know that Allah's will is to smite them for some sin of theirs. Lo! many of mankind are evil livers.”
The Context:
#5:44, The verse begins by alluding to the Jews, but the statement ‘barter not My revelations’ generalizes the following statement to all of God’s revelations, including the Quran. The incident is that the Jews approach the Holy Prophet Muhammad to judge a dispute. Since the verses are in continuation without change of theme, they all allude to the same incident.
As we can see clearly, Allah commands the Holy Prophet that if one doesn’t judge by that which Allah has revealed, he is indeed wrong in doing so. This has been repeated in all the three verses! And both the verses, 48,49, warn the Holy Prophet from swaying away from what has been revealed to him, i.e., the Quran. It also warns that those who turn away are ‘evil livers’. We can see the strictness with which the Quran admonishes us to stick to it for every sort of guidance and judgement.
But then we may ask, “The above judgement was for a legal purpose, what about our daily lives? How can we decide what is lawful and what not?” Answering this question there is a verse, which I am going to quote soon. But before that, one more thing: we believe many things as unlawful even if it is not declared so in the Quran, with the justification that it is not detailed. Even if that justification has been ruled out right at the beginning of this article, here Allah, clearly points it out.
#42:21 - All lawful and unlawful is decided by Allah, and Quran is the Word of Allah.
“Or have they partners (of Allah) who have made lawful for them in religion that which Allah allowed not? And but for a decisive word (gone forth already), it would have been judged between them. Lo! for wrong doers is a painful doom.”
This verse refers to those people who had the scriptures before it came to the lineage of Prophet Ismail, to the Prophet Muhammad.
Allah clearly states that he doesn’t like people who impose laws of their own, which He has not revealed. This may look to you a far-fetched interpretation, but wait and just take a look at the example of taking guidance regarding lawful things that Allah has put before us in the Holy Quran.
#6:145 Example of Quran as guide, this verse asks us to keep checking our lives and actions with the Quran alone.
“Say: I find not in that which is revealed unto me aught prohibited to an eater that he eat thereof, except it be carrion, or blood poured forth, or swine flesh for that verily is foul or the abomination which was immolated to the name of other than Allah. But whoso is compelled (thereto), neither craving nor transgressing, (for him) lo ! Your Lord is Forgiving, Merciful.”
In the verses that precede and follow this one, Allah is giving guidance regarding many things.
Instead of just directly stating which food is lawful and which not, He as put it as if one has been questioned to eat something and refers to the book of God and tells, “I find not in that which is revealed unto me…”
Still in doubt whether the Quran can guide us in this matter? Then have a look at this:
Allah says that the Quran is the source of sharia
#10:37 - The Quran is the Only source of Divine law decreed for Mankind. Allah confirms it Doubly himself!
“And this Qur’an is not such as could ever be invented in despite of Allah; but it is a confirmation of that which was before it and an exposition of that which is decreed for mankind. Therein is no doubt from the Lord of the Worlds.”
It is very clear that it alludes to the Quran.
The word ‘decree’ means ‘an edict, law or ordinance made by superior authority’.
Look at the words used, an explanation of that which is ‘decreed’ for mankind. This verse really puts a full stop to all argument that the Quran is not a decree for mankind. Further more, God says there is no doubt in this fact!
(7) The Quran is the only source of Divine Law
Combining the above conclusions here, we get:
- The Quran is clear and isn’t unclear that we may need someone to explain us everything in it.
- The Quran is plain and explained.
- The Quran not only explains everything but has DETAILED explanations of EVERYTHING.- The Quran actually covers everything that we need to know.
- God wants us to believe in Him and His Guidance (His portent), The Quran.
- The Quran is the ‘fairest of statements’.
- The Quran is the only source of Divine Law.
With this huge and life shattering bunch of conclusions, what are we left with? What about the sayings and actions of the Prophet? What about the rich literature of Hadith that we have to guide us? Won’t we go astray if we drop them and follow only the Quran?
Let us consider the extra Quranic literature: Hadith
A brief history of Hadith:
“To understand the background to the development of Hadith literature one must sift through the history of Islam from about 250 years after the time of our Prophet… during the first century of the Prophet's era no hadiths were written down… Stories circulated by word of mouth but they were never written down because the view was well known that the Prophet and the companions did not want anything of the kind to be done, and so there was a very strong feeling against the writing of any sort of 'Hadith' literature. The so-called 'Science of isnad' -- touchstone of a hadith's authenticity -- has tremendous flaws in it. How, then, can we go on giving credence to something that was not written down and yet which, some 250 years after the fact, Bukhari supposedly managed to trace back to its source (i.e. the Prophet) by establishing all the links in a chain which cannot possibly have been genuinely reconstructed! How he (Bukhari) managed to do this without written records, bridging a gap of about eight generations, and simultaneously establishing not only biographical data but also a compelling analysis of the mental faculties of his subjects defies belief! One can quote several hundred hadiths that not only contradict the Qur’an but also clearly do damage to the Prophet's good name.”
Excrepted From:
“A Study of the Qur’an”
Mohammed Abdul Malik. of 69 Prince of Wales Road, Sutton, Surrey, U.K. ISBN: 0 9530907 2 8 Email:
It is a commonly known fact that the authenticity of Hadith is never one hundred percent reliable because there is neither and guardian over it, nor any proof of its own authenticity. Compare this with the Quran, where God himself promises to protect it,
#15:9. Lo! We, even We, reveal the Reminder, and lo! We verily are it's Guardian.
If you check the verse 15:1, you will easily come to know that this verse alludes to the Quran.
The only reason with which the patrons of Hadith proclaim their message is that they assume that the Hadith are right, at least the ‘Sahih’ ones.
The very science of Isnad, which has been used to verify and collect the Hadith, deals with the verification of the chain of narrators through whom the Hadith is ‘supposed’ to have passed, which if found reliable or trustworthy, the Hadith related by them are considered reliable and is classified according to the nature of the ‘chain’. By the verification of this chain, in whatever way, one can never ever be one hundred percent sure of the transmission. One can only suppose that the narrators have been truthful, one can only suppose that the saying originated from the prophet, one can only suppose that he has the truth. There has been and can be no 100% guarantee to ensure us the authenticity. The proof of this fact can be found in the very religious doctrine of Islam as proclaimed in the Quran:
#4:118-120: Satan promises only to mislead:
“Whom Allah cursed, and he said: Surely I will take of Thy bondmen an appointed portion, and surely I will lead them astray, and surely I will arouse desires in them, and surely I will command them and they will cut the cattle's ears, and surely I will command them and they will change Allah's creation. Whoso chooseth Satan for a patron instead of Allah is verily a loser and his loss is manifest. He promiseth them and stirreth up desires in them, and Satan promiseth them only to beguile.”
Verse 4:117 refers directly to Satan and continues to address him. The verse had a mixture of general statements as well as particular ones. The mischief and work of Satan is general and he does so to every human.
Anybody with common sense and especially a Muslim, knows the fact that the devil instigates all humans. The people who have been in the chain of narration are also human. So, even if we verify the authenticity, we can never make it 100% sure that it is free of any falsity. I don’t say that the deviation has been deliberate or purposely done – saying that is again a conjecture. But we can safely be sure that it is not 100% reliable. Hence, we believe in the Hadith because we “suppose” them to be correct, but are not Sure that they are correct. This is a conjecture upon which we base our belief in the Hadith.
Now look at what God says regarding conjecture in the Quran:
Allah tells us that majority follow conjecture and hence are misled:
#6:116 - Beware of the crowd. Beware of those who follow an 'opinion' and 'guess'.
“If thou obeyedst most of those on earth they would mislead thee far from Allah's way. They follow naught but an opinion, and they do but guess.”
“By the heaven full of paths, Lo! ye, forsooth, are of various opinion (concerning the truth). He is made to turn away from it who is (himself) averse. Accursed be the conjecturers. Who are careless in an abyss!”
#6:116, The discourse containing this verse is addressed to The Holy Prophet Muhammad, and the ‘most on earth’ refers to the disbelievers.
#51:7-11, These verses are contained in a discourse that confirms that the Judgement Day will surely come.
The ‘most on earth’ refers to the disbelievers of that time. This verse has a general significance as well. When Prophet Muhammad started preaching the precepts of Islam and called people to believe in the book revealed to him, majority turned away because they carried an ‘opinion’ regarding everything. They only thought that their beliefs are true, there wasn’t any concrete evidence that backed their beliefs. Hence Allah says that they go by conjecture. The Quran is backed by evidence of its divine origin. Don’t you think that believing the Hadith to be an inseparable part of Islam is based on conjecture?
The second verse talks of the coming of the day of judgement. Allah always keeps citing examples and such in the Quran to present the proof that it is the book of God. The ‘conjecturers’ refers to those people who base their belief only on conjecture and refute anything of strong evidence that comes before them (The Quran) sticking to their conjecture. Such people sacrifice truth for mere conjecture!
If you think that I had to ‘interpret’ these verses to explain them, then have a look at this one:
The Dangers of Guessing
#10:36 – Conjecture is of no avail before Truth
“Most of them follow naught but conjecture. Assuredly conjecture can by no means take the place of truth. Lo! Allah is Aware of what they do.”
Not needed.
The underlined statement is a general proclamation against conjecture. It is not dependent on the context, hence I haven’t cited the context.
I don’t think that after the above verse, I further need to argue that our basis of belief on the Hadith is false.
(8)… Conjecture (the method of belief in Hadith) is of no avail before Truth (Quran)
Nothing has a warrant to guide other than the Quran
All Hadith are invalid because no 'warrant hath been revealed' for it.
7:33. “Say: My Lord forbiddeth only indecencies, such of them as are apparent and such as are within, and sin and wrongful oppression, and that ye associate with Allah that for which no warrant hath been revealed, and that ye tell concerning Allah that which ye know not.”
Verse 7:31 is addressed to Children of Adam (all men) and the discourse continues addressing all humans.
The above verse is a statement that Allah asks humans to say to people who bring forth something that goes contrary to what they have been revealed with, The Quran. So, saying “such and such Allah commands us to do”(associating with Allah), without a ‘warrant’ being revealed, is wrong. The only warrant ‘revealed’ is the Quran. If the Quran would have warranted any other source, do you think the Holy Prophet and the Honoured Khalifas would have let 200 years pass before the compilation of Hadith begins?
If you warrant anything else, you earn the curse of Allah
#2:159 - The Quran clearly accurses those Hadith writers who give out guidance that contradicts with the Quran
“Those who hide the proofs and the guidance which We revealed, after We had made it clear in the Scripture: such are accursed of Allah and accursed of those who have the power to curse.”
For the above verse context is not needed because it is a clearly general warning for any group that deliberately ‘hides’ the guidance that has been revealed. The Quran is a ‘revealed’ guidance. It again says that the guidance has been made ‘clear’ in the scripture.
(9)… No warrant has been revealed to support the Hadith.
Now the question rings in our mind that whether we can leave the Hadith and yet remain in the ‘straight’ path towards God? Is it possible? Let see:
The Quran gives the Straightest path
#17:9 - The Quran guides us to the straightest path, any other will be less straight and more crooked.
“Lo! this Qur’an guideth unto that which is straightest, and giveth tidings unto the believers who do good works that theirs will be a great reward.”
(10)… The Quran guides us unto the straightest path.
With these 10 conclusions in mind let us move ahead…
The Sunnah: A majority of the Muslims think that obeying the sunnah is obeying Allah, because the Sunnah, i.e., the sayings and actions of the Holy Prophet, are all divinely inspired. They think that every activity of the Holy Prophet is the only way an activity should be done.
Such a viewpoint of accepting every action of the Prophet contradicts and transgresses the limitations given by the Quran.
God asks Muhammad to proclaim that He is a Mortal Like You
41:6. “Say (unto them O Muhammad): I am only a mortal like you. It is inspired in me that your God is One God, therefore take the straight path unto Him and seek forgiveness of Him. And woe unto the idolaters”
Take a careful look at the words ‘Mortal Like You’, God didn’t use the phrase ‘mortal’ but ‘mortal like you’. It means that the Messenger is a man just like us, liable to mistakes and all that, but he, by the Mercy of Allah, is inspired with the Scripture. Take a careful look at the phrase ‘straight path’. Compare this to the verse before the 10th conclusion, i.e., The Quran guides us in the Straightest Path! Here the Holy Prophet is asking us directly to follow the Quran alone!
The Holy Prophet Frowned (Surah Abasa)
80:1-10. He frowned and turned away because the blind man came unto him. What could inform thee but that he might grow (in grace) or take heed and so the reminder might avail him? As for him who thinketh himself independent, unto him thou payest regard. Yet it is not thy concern if he grow not (in grace). But as for him who cometh unto thee with earnest purpose and hath fear, From him thou art distracted.
This is from a very famous surah. It refers to the incident, when the Holy Prophet was talking with a rich man, a blind man came seeking instruction in Islam. The Holy Prophet turned away and ignored the blind man.
69:43-47. “It is a revelation from the Lord of the Worlds. And if he had invented false sayings concerning us, we assuredly had taken him by the right hand and then severed his life artery, and not one of you could have held us off from him.”
This verse addresses the unbelievers who were saying that the Quran was from a poet etc The Quran says that it is coming from a messenger, Muhammad. Verse 69:40 clearly states the Quran, and hence the ‘it’ in this verse alludes to the Quran and the ‘him’ alludes to the Holy Prophet Muhammad.
17:74-75. “And if We had not made thee wholly firm thou mightest almost have inclined unto them a little. Then had We made thee taste a double (punishment) of living and a double (punishment) of dying, then hadst thou found no helper against Us.”
The unbelievers had tried to ‘beguile’ the Holy Prophet away from the Quran. In answer to his inner struggle, this verse clears his difficulty.
10:15.“Say (O Muhammad): It is not for me to change it of my own accord. I only follow that which is inspired in me. Lo! If I disobey my Lord I fear the retribution of an awful Day.”
Not once, not twice, here, I have cited four verses, there are many more in the Quran, each warning the Prophet from straying. Each admonishes him and threatens him. Now please tell me if every action of the Holy Prophet was divinely inspired, then why does he need to ‘fear the retribution of an awful Day’? If each action of his is divinely inspired then he is not answerable for his actions on the Judgment Day. This violates the above verses, and clearly says that he is not a man like us!
In fact God asks him to state that he knows nothing about what will happen to him!
46:9. “Say: I am no new thing among the messengers (of Allah), nor know I what will be done with me or with you. I do but follow that which is inspired in me, and I am but a plain warner.”
Notice carefully ‘I only follow that which is inspired in me’ in 10:15 and again in 46:9 above. Here again the Holy Prophet is commanded to say to follow the Holy Quran, because that was the only thing inspired in him.
If we aren’t to follow every action of the Messenger, then what does the ‘Obey Allah and Obey the Messenger’ occurring in the Quran mean? To clarify this let us take a look at the following verses:
#29:18 - Purpose of Sending Messengers
29:18. “But if ye deny, then nations have denied before you. The messenger is only to convey (the Message) plainly.”
Look at the duty of the Messenger: to convey the Message Plainly. Why plainly? Because it must be as Allah has revealed, without alteration, interpretation or explanation, plainly as Allah has revealed.
#16:35 - Messengers are charged ONLY to convey the message.
“And the idolaters say: Had Allah willed, we had not worshipped aught beside Him, we and our fathers, nor had we forbidden aught without (command from) Him. Even so did those before them. Are the messengers charged with aught save plain conveyance (of the message)?”
Notice again the ‘plain’ conveyance of the Message!
#36:16-17 - Messengers only convey the Message.
“They answered: Our lord knoweth that we are indeed sent unto you, and our duty is but plain conveyance (of the message).”
The above verses show the duties of all Messengers in general. What if Prophet Muhammad was sent not just to plainly convey, but also to exemplify? Take a look at these:
#16:82 - Prophet Muhammad was sent only to convey the Quran
“Then, if they turn away, thy duty (O Muhammad) is but plain conveyance (of the message).”
Notice again the ‘plain conveyance’?
#11:12 - Allah says that the Messenger is only a Warner, nothing else. Leaving Anything of the Quran is dangerous.
“A likely thing, that thou wouldst forsake aught of that which hath been revealed unto thee, and that thy breast should be straitened for it, because they say: Why hath not a treasure been sent down for him, or an angel come with him? Thou art but a warner, and Allah is in charge of all things.”
--Simplified English: It is a likely thing that you would forsake anything of that which has been revealed to you, and that your breast should be narrowed for it...
Before the above verse, in 11:7, the book addresses Prophet Muhammad. The discourse doesn’t change in theme, hence, ‘thou art but a warner’, obviously addresses Prophet Muhammad.
#45:18 - Allah protects Prophet Muhammad by asking him to follow the Quran alone, which is a Clear road.
“And now have We set thee (O Muhammad) on a clear road of (Our) commandment; so follow it, and follow not the whims of those who know not.”
One may say, “Okey, we accept that Prophet Muhammad came to convey the Message, but where is it stated that he came to convey only the message and nothing else?” Well, digest this!
#24:54 - Obeying the Quran (the Message) is Obeying the Messenger, here sunnah is ruled out completely.
“Say: Obey Allah and obey the messenger. But if ye turn away, then (it is) for him (to do) only that wherewith he hath been charged, and for you (to do) only that wherewith ye have been charged. If ye obey him, ye will go aright. But, the messenger hath no other charge than to convey (the message), plainly.”
Since the verse begins with ‘say’ it clearly addresses to the Holy Prophet Muhammad.
Notice again the ‘plainly’, do you think this can be a coincidence?
I don’t think the above verse needs any explanation!
But some may say, “But the Prophet asked us to follow him through his Sunnah!” Well the Quran answers this as well!
#3:79 - Prophet Muhammad said to study and teach the Quran and the Quran Alone.
“It is not (possible) for any human being unto whom Allah had given the Scripture and wisdom and the Prophethood that he should afterwards have said unto mankind: Be slaves of me instead of Allah; but (what he said was): Be ye faithful servants of the Lord by virtue of your constant teaching of the Scripture and of your constant study thereof.”
These verses are so eloquent, that they don’t leave any space for explanation!
According to the above verse, the only way we can be faithful servants of the Lord is by studying the Quran and teaching it. This is what the Messengers say to their followers. If you somehow prove that Prophet Muhammad said otherwise, then you are actually denying the truth of this verse!
(11)… Obeying the Message (The Quran) is obeying the Messenger, since the Messenger has no duty Except to convey the Message.
But still you may think, “Is still the Quran enough?” As a final answer to your almost fading doubt, I can quote these few verses:
#17:89 - If Quran covers everything then why do we need any other support?
“And verity We have displayed for mankind in this Qur’an all kinds or similitudes, but most of mankind refuse aught save disbelief.”
*similitude means comparision, resemblence, likeness, counterpart
#18:54.“And verily We have displayed for mankind in this Qur’an all manner of similitudes, but man is more than anything contentious.”
39:27. “And verily We have coined for mankind in this Qur’an all kinds of similitudes, that haply they may reflect;”
Look at the word 'coined' it means invented/fabricated.
39:28. “A Lecture in Arabic, containing no crookedness, that haply they may ward off (evil).”
Here again the Quran says that it contains no crookedness. And ‘crooked’ means ‘not straight’ or ‘bent’.
(12)… Since the Quran contains all kinds of similitude and is free from any crookedness, which only a divinely revealed scripture can guarantee, we can only follow the Quran Alone.
Combining all the above conclusions here, we get:
- The Quran is clear and isn’t unclear that we may need someone to explain us everything in it.
- The Quran is plain and explained.
- The Quran not only explains everything but has DETAILED explanations of EVERYTHING.- The Quran actually covers everything that we need to know.
- God wants us to believe in Him and His Guidance (His portent), The Quran.
- The Quran is the ‘fairest of statements’.
- The Quran is the only source of Divine Law.
- Conjecture (the method of belief in Hadith) is of no avail before Truth (Quran)
- No warrant has been revealed to support the Hadith.
- The Quran guides us unto the straightest path.
- Obeying the Message (The Quran) is obeying the Messenger, since the Messenger has no duty Except to convey the Message.
- The Quran contains all kinds of similitude and is free from any crookedness
With all these twelve life-shattering conclusions we can have only one conclusion, and that is:
“Follow the Quran Alone to stay away from Hell.”
As an addendum, I would like to quote these two verses that allude to the present state of the Muslim community. I was very surprised to find such an exact description of the present situation in the Quran.
39:29. “Allah coineth a similitude: A man in relation to whom are several part owners, quarrelling, and a man belonging wholly to one man. Are the two equal in similitude? Praise be to Allah! But most of them know not.”
(Note: This is an interpretation by the author and NOT directly explained by the above verse.)
The ' man in relation to whom are several part owners' is the present day Muslim, who is partly owned by The Holy Prophet against his wishes, and also by the numerous scholars, imams and schools of thought in which he believes. As you can see, they are continuously 'quarrelling' as mentioned in the verse.
The man belonging wholly to one man refers to pure monotheism, Allah is NOT referred by man here, remember it is a similitude to explain the concept of monotheism.
#31:20. This verse tells us the condition of today's Muslims who are disputing concerning Allah, because they don’t take the aid of the Scripture, the Quran.
"See ye not how Allah hath made serviceable unto you whatsoever is in the skies and whatsoever is in the earth and hath loaded you with His favours both without and within? Yet of mankind is he who disputeth concerning Allah, without knowledge or guidance or a Scripture giving light."
(Note: This is an interpretation by the author and NOT directly explained by the above verse.)
The various sects of Islam are disputing only because they aren’t using the ‘Scripture giving light’. Someone follows Imam Abu Hanifa, someone, Imam Shafi, someone calls himself ‘sunni’, someone ‘shia’. All these dispute because each sect holds on to its own set of Hadith or extra-Quranic literature. If all Muslims would hold on to the Quran Alone then they would be guided to the ‘straightest’ path.
A final word:
It has been a great experience writing this article. Allah would somehow bring to my notice verses from the Quran just from nowhere. As I would be writing the article, somehow it would arrange itself in so logically coherent a manner that is not a characteristic of my usual works. I thank the Almighty, I thank Allah, for having helped me complete this research and produce an article that may help others. I sincerely pray to Allah that he may keep me guided and keep showing the right path to me. For without his benevolence and mercy, Mankind is doomed, forget about me!